TALKS and LECTURES 2024Palmbald, J.; Menatti, L.; The environment around us: Relational approaches as common ground, Fourth World Congress of Environmental History - WCEH2024, University of Oulu, Finland 19-23 August 2024 (panel accepted).
2024 Menatti, L. Droit à l'environnement, ou droit au paysage? Jean Monnet Programme, University of Lille, France, 10th of April 2024 (invited conference, online)
2024 Bunce, C. Menatti, L., Brenner, A-K., Chanam, J., Knickel, M., Sridhar, H.(2024). Rethinking climate change adaptation by bringing Philosophy into dialogue with Social Sciences and Biology, Understanding Life in a Changing Planet: 20+2 Years of Egenis, the Centre for the Study of the Life Sciences, University of Exeter, 17th-19th of April 2024 (poster presentation). 2024 Menatti, L. Salutogenenesis. A new approach to understand the Health-environment Interactions? KLI, Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition, Klosterneuburg, Austria, 4th of April 2024 (invited speaker).
2024 Menatti, L. Understanding the current health and climate crisis through the concept of salutogenesis. Center for Applied Ethics, University of California San Diego, US, 14th of March 2024 ( invited speaker).
2023 Menatti, L. Paisaje, ambiente y salud desde la filosofía. In V Jornada de Filosofía y Ciencia. Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO) - National Center of Oncological Research, Madrid, Spain, 29 November 2023 (invited speaker).
2023Menatti, L. Pathogenic and salutogenic accounts of the environment in medicine. An interdisciplinary analysis at the crossroads of humanities and medical sciences, ‘Unruly Microbes – Epidemics, Infections, and Ecologies of Change in Historical Perspective', 22-23 June 2023, Centre for the History of Medicine and Disease, Durham University, UK. 2023Menatti, L. Medicine, healthcare and the environment: from the salutogenic approach towards the salutogenic environments. Online talk, 15th of May 2023, for The Return of the Organism in the Biosciences: Theoretical, Historical and Social Dimensions research group, Roto Rub Online Lectures (Ruhr University of Bochum;, on-line, invited lecturer).
2022 Menatti, L.; Bich, L. What does adapting to the environment mean for health? A philosophical framework for environmental and health science. Philosophy of Science Association Meeting, PSA2022, University of Pittsburgh, 10-13/11/2022 (Poster Presentation).
2022 Menatti, L. Nature, Landscape and Health. Department of Education and Human Sciences. Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brasil, 24th of October 2022 (invited lecturer).
2022 Benaglio, C., Menatti, L. An ecological approach to medical humanities. An experience in Chile. AMEE LYON 2022. An International Associations for Health Professions Education. Hybrid Conference, 27th-31st of August 2022. (E-Poster Presentation).
2022 Menatti, L. Autonomy, loneliness and the perception of spaces. A philosophical analysis. International Workshop: “Outonomy: Fleshing out autonomy beyond the individual”, Department of Philosophy, University of the Basque Country, Spain, 24th of June 2022.
2022 Menatti, L. Health and Environment. A relational account. Center for Philosophy of Science. University of Pittsburgh, United States, 1st of March 2022.
2021 Menatti, L.; Bich, L. What is health in the time of COVID-19? Adaptivity as a key notion to understand the relationship between health and the environment in the current and postpandemic scenario, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 1st of December 2021.
2021 Menatti, L.; Saborido C. Health: a new conceptualization for the post- pandemic scenario. When philosophy of medicine meets environmental philosophy. X Congress of the Spanish Society of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (SLMFCE), University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain, 16-19 of November 2021.
2021 Viota, M; Menatti, L. and Ametzaga, I. Potentiality of Campus Green Spaces to Increase Well-Being and Learning Processes in University Students in The Basque Country (Spain). Nature and health virtual conference, 12-14 of October 2021, University of Washington, US.
2021 Menatti, L. El papel del medioambiente en la salud: conceptos y practicas. Una mirada a través de la filosofía de la medicina y de la filosofía medioambiental. FiloLab, UTPL Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador, 08 July 2021 (invited speaker).
2020 Menatti, L. El papel olvidado del paisaje en la salud de la persona. University of Desarrollo, CAS-UDD, Faculty of medicine, 8th of December 2020 (invited speaker). 2020 Menatti, L. (in collaboration with Benaglio, C. and Sépulveda, M.) Landscape, health and well-being. An encounter between a philosopher of landscape and health-professionals. Landscape and Goodness, on-line event organized by Landscape Research Group, 8th of December 2020. 2020 Menatti, L.; Saborido, C. An ecological approach to health for the post-pandemic horizon. II Simposio Internacional de Humanidades Médicas: ‘Salud post pandemia COVID-19: nuevas narrativas entre tecnología y bienestar’, University of Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile, 8th of October 2020 (invited speaker).
2019Why ecological psychology is needed in landscape studies. A methodological and pedagogical analysis. ICPA 2019, International Conference on Perception and Action, Groningen, Netherland, 3rd of July 2019.
2019 Menatti, L.; Briffaud, S. Paesaggio, tempo e memoria: riflessioni tra storia e filosofia. Gruppo Giardino Storico Università di Padova, Padova (Italy), 7th of March 2019 (invited speaker).
2019Espacio, percepción y salud: análisis entre humanidades y ciencia cognitiva. Seminario abierto de Filosofía, Facultad de Educación, Filosofía y Antropologia, University of the Basque Country (Spain), 4th of April 2019 (invited speaker).
2018Perception of landscapes and affordances. The importance of ecological psychology for aesthetics and philosophy. International workshop Agency, Cognition and the Environment. New Trends in Ecological Psychology. University of the Basque Country (Spain), 5th of June 2018 (invited speaker).
2018 Menatti, L. ; Benaglio, C. Medical humanities: attempts at solving gender bias in medicine and medical education. International workshop Forgotten Female Bodies, University of the Basque Country (Spain), 6-8 June 2018 (invited speaker).
2018A theoretical and psychological enquiry into the relationship between health and environment. Doctoral School of Human Sciences, University of Verona, Italy, 13rd of February 2018 (invited speaker).
2017Paisaje, Filosofia y Medicina. Centro de Humanidades, Faculty of Medicine, University of Desarrollo (CAS-UDD), Santiago, Chile, 17th of November 2017 (invited speaker).
2017 Landscape and affordances: between Philosophy and Psychology. Workshop on Environment Cognition and Culture, University Alberto Hurtado, Santiago, Chile 13-14 November 2017 (invited speaker).
2017 1er Simposium Internacional de Humanidades Medicas (First simposium on Medical Humanities) La Cura del Cuerpo: Diálogos sobre Corporalidad y la vivencia del cuerpo enfermo, Faculty of Medicine, University of Desarrollo (CAS-UDD), Santiago, Chile, 10th of November 2017. Chair and coordinator of round table.
2017 Paisajes y espacios de la medicina. Hospital Padre Hurtado, Faculty of Medicine, University of Desarrollo (CAS-UDD), Santiago, Chile, 8 Novembre 2017 (invited speaker).
2017 Paisaje, bien común y derechos: desde los conceptos filosóficos y artísticos hacia las practicas de la gestión. FAU, Faculty of Architecture, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile, 7th of November 2017 (invited speaker).
2017 Perception du paysage: entre philosophie, psychologie écologique, et éthique. Séminaire Présentations poétiques du monde, Laboratoire UMR 5319 PASSAGES, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, Bordeaux. 23rd of June 2017 (invited speaker).
2016 Geo-filosofía del paisaje: arte, arquitectura y geografía en el pensamiento especial. Facultad de Arquitectura y urbanismo - FAU, Universidad de Chile, Santiago. 15thof November 2016 (invited speaker).
2016 Percepción del paisaje entre filosofía y psicología. Department of Biology, Seminars 2016. Faculty of Sciences, Universidad de Chile – Santiago de Chile. 20thof October 2016 (invited speaker).
2016 Paisaje interior y paisaje exterior: percepción del medioambiente entre filosofía y psicología. Faculty of Medicine, Universidad del Desarrollo/UDD. Santiago, Chile. 14thof October 2016 (invited speaker).
2016 El paisaje y la Medicina desde la historia del Arte. Academic seminars, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad del Desarrollo/UDD. Santiago, Chile. 21stof September 2016 (invited speaker).
2016 Menatti, L.; Casado da Rocha, A. Landscape and Health: Connecting Psychology, Aesthetics, and Philosophy through the Concept of Affordance. IAS-Research Seminar. University of the Basque Country, San Sebastian (Spain). 13rd of June 2016 (invited speaker).
2016 Menatti, L.; Torres, E. La ética y la estética en estado de emergencia. Seminar at the Faculty of Architecture, Universidad del Desarrollo/UDD, Santiago, Chile. 4th of May 2016 (invited speaker).
2016 Menatti, L., Casado da Rocha, A. Paisaje y salud pública: aplicando el concepto de affordance a la ética asistencial. Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Ética y Filosofía Política (AEEFP). Córdoba, 13th-15th of January 2016.
2015 Menatti, L.; Casado da Rocha, A. Salud pública y paisaje: una aplicación del concepto de ‘affordance’ al debate filosófico sobre medioambiente. I Congreso Iberoamericano de Éticas Aplicadas (CIEA), Santiago, Chile. 18th of November 2015.
2015 Salud pública y paisaje: ¿Cuánto impacta la filosofía y la psicología ecológica en el concepto más amplio de care? Academic Seminars 2015/ Faculty of Medicine, Clínica Alemana/Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile. 18th of November 2015 (invited speaker).
2015 Cómo percibimos el paisaje y el espacio desde el arte, la cultura y la ecología. Coloquios Paseos por la Complejidad, IFICC - Instituto de Filosofía y Ciencias de la Complejidad, Santiago, Chile. 12ndof August 2015 (invited speaker).
2015 What does right to landscape mean? An analysis trough the concept of commons. Defining Landscape Democracy Conference, Oscarborg (Oslo), Norway. 3rd-6th of June 2015.
2014 Landscape as a common good: a philosophical and epistemological analysis. Sixth Careggi Seminar: ‘Common Goods from a Landscape Perspective’(organized by Uniscape), Florence, Italy. 17th of January 2014.;
2013 Geophilosophy: a new approach to the study of nature and landscape. 19th International Congress of Aesthetics – Aesthetics in action, Krakow, Poland. 21st July 2013. Organized by International Association of Aesthetics (
2013 A rhizome of landscapes: a geophilosophical prospective about contemporary global spaces. Uniscape International Conference “Landscape and Imagination.International Scientific Conference. Towards a new baseline for education in a changing world”, École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris la Villette, Paris. 2nd and 3rd of May 2013.
2012 Physis y naturaleza humana de acuerdo con el enfoque geofilosofico: affordance de lugar y cultura. X International Ontology Congress - Physis, University of the Basque Country, San Sebastián, Spain. 1st of October 2012.
2011 Disneyland Paris: From Non-place to Rhizomatic Place. Southern CT State University, (IASESP - International Association for the Study of Environment, Space, and Place, Towson University), 29th of April 2011.
2010 Il valore del paesaggio locale. “Fai il Pieno di Cultura” Montebello della Battaglia (Pavia, Italy), 24th of September 2010.
2010 Locale e Globale. Agire il paesaggio. Teatri, pensieri, politiche del “luogo” (organized by the University of Parma - Italy). San Maurizio d’Opaglio (Novara, Italy), 10thof August 2010
ORGANISED WORKSHOPS 2022-2024 (29th of November 2022; 6th of March 2023; 3rd of July 2023; 12th of February 2024; 15th of April 2024) Organiser (with Sophie Veigl) of ‘Vienna Science Studies Lab: First Reading Group’, focused on feminist Science-Technology-Society (STS) methodology. An intra-institution initiative by the Konrad Lorenz Institute (KLI), the UPSalon (University of Vienna), and the Epistemology of the In/human Project at Central European University (CEU).
2020 (7th, 8th and 9th of October) Organiser and speaker for the: II International Medical Humanities Symposium: ‘Health after the Covid-19 pandemic: new narratives between technology and well- being’. On-line congress organised by the Centre for Medical Humanities of the University of Desarrollo (Santiago, Chile). Speakers: Thomas Fuchs, Luisa Damiano, Hagen Lehman, Cristian Saborido, Arantza Etxeberria, etc. Funded by: University of Desarrollo (Chile), Faculty of Medicine. 2019 (October and November) Organiser and chair (with Rémi Bercovitz) of the series of conferences: ‘L’environnement en question... À la croisée des sciences humaines & naturelles’, Bordeaux School of Architecture and Landscape; CapSciences Bordeaux. Speakers: Catharine Ward Thompson, Anaïs Leger-Smith, Rémi Beau, Gilles Bœuf, Sylvie Ferrari, Cécilia Cleays, Serge Briffaud.
2018 (26th of November) Organiser and chair (with Rémi Bercovitz) of the workshop: ‘La restauration écologique des cours d’eau Bilan critique des paradigmes contemporains de conservation de la nature à la croisée des sciences humaines et naturelles’, Bordeaux School of Architecture and Landscape, Bordeaux. Speakers : Véronique André; Rémi Bercovitz; Bernard Davasse; Christian Lévêque
2018 (5th of June) Organiser and speaker of the international workshops (with Manuel Heras Escribano) ‘Agency, Cognition and the Environment. New Trends in Ecological Psychology’, University of the Basque Country, San Sebastian Spain. Speakers : Harry Heft ; Laura Menatti ; Manuel Heras Escribano ; Lorena Lobo ; Mikel Subiza Pérez ; Cristian Saborido.
2018 (6th-8th of June) Organiser and speaker of the International workshop 'Forgotten Female Bodies', University of the Basque Country, San Sebastian, Spain Speakers : Philipp Mitteroecker ; Mihaela Pavlicev ; Laura Menatti ; Carla Benaglio ; María Jesús Santesmases ; John Dupré ; Laura Nuño de la Rosa ; Arantza Etxeberria ; Lilly Schwartz ; Beata Stawarska ; Alejandra Martínez Quintero.