University of the Basque Country, Spain (language: Spanish)
Master in Environment, Sustainability and Sustainable Development Goals, UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Development and Environmental Education, Leioa, Spain (2021, 2022) more information at:
University of the Basque Country and Public University of Navarra, Spain (language: Spanish)
Bordeaux School of Architecture and Landscape, France (language: French/English)
Courses for the BA and MA of Landscape Architecture (Cycle Préparatoire d’études en Paysage/ Diplôme d’État de Paysagiste). 2017-2021. Topics of the courses: environmental ethics, philosophy of landscape, history of ecology, history of architecture, philosophy of perception and introduction to theories of perception.
Universidad de Chile (Santiago) (language: Spanish)
Faculty of Sciences, Universidad de Chile, Pre-Graduate School, Santiago, Chile. Course of Philosophy of Landscape and Environmental Philosophy (curso de Filosofía del Paisaje y del Medioambiente, 2016) Topics: landscape theory, history of ecology, environmental philosophy, environmental ethics.
University of Desarrollo (CAS-UDD, Chile) (language: Spanish)
On-line course of Environmental Philosophy and Philosophy of Landscape (Filosofía del medioambiente y del paisaje) (2020) On-line course of Environmental Philosophy and workshop of Eco-narrative (Filosofía del medioambiente y taller de eco-narrativa), Faculty of Medicine (2021). Topics of the courses : environmental ethics, philosophy of landscape, history of ecology, philosophy of medicine